Friday, December 30, 2011

DIY Decorated Candle

Having littles requires getting those creative juices flowing in terms of handmade gifts. This was a super cute gift I got, I'm not sure from what occasion, but I just thought it was the perfect small present that wouldn't take much effort or time to do and is absolutely adorable.

What you need:
  1. Candle: like the one in the picture in a glass jar. You can find one at Walmart or any dollar store for the most part. 
  2. Paint with a pointed tip on it (for writing the letters)
  3. Ribbon and/or other accessories
Instructions for this particular candle:
  1.  Paint whatever design or letters on the glass, and let dry. 
  2.  Glue rhinestone on top of lid.
  3.  Tie ribbon around the top. 
Provided by Kelsey B. 

DIY Colored Bobby Pins

Recently I started getting sick and tired of my bangs constantly being in my face, so I started haphazardly pinning them back with two or three bobby pins. Sure enough, soon after that I began getting bored with plain bobby pins and when I saw colored pins at the store, I was in disbelief that someone would pay what they were asking for when you could just make it.

All you need is:
  1. Regular bobby pins
  2. A piece of paper
  3. Nail polish in whatever color you want the bobby pins to be 

Here's how ya do it:
  1. Take the bobby pins and pin them onto the edge as shown in the picture
  2. Use the nail polish to coat one side of pin. Let dry. 
  3. Depending on how well the color showed up, you may have to multiple layers. I had to do about three for the pink and red and two layers for the blue. 
  4. Once dry, flip over the page and repeat steps two and three on the back side of the bobby pin. Make sure paint the curved end of the bobby pin too!
  5. Let dry, take the pins off the paper, and style away!
Provided by Kelsey B.