Friday, December 30, 2011

DIY Decorated Candle

Having littles requires getting those creative juices flowing in terms of handmade gifts. This was a super cute gift I got, I'm not sure from what occasion, but I just thought it was the perfect small present that wouldn't take much effort or time to do and is absolutely adorable.

What you need:
  1. Candle: like the one in the picture in a glass jar. You can find one at Walmart or any dollar store for the most part. 
  2. Paint with a pointed tip on it (for writing the letters)
  3. Ribbon and/or other accessories
Instructions for this particular candle:
  1.  Paint whatever design or letters on the glass, and let dry. 
  2.  Glue rhinestone on top of lid.
  3.  Tie ribbon around the top. 
Provided by Kelsey B. 

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